China Galland
China Galland
With Longing for Darkness, Tara and the Black Madonna, Galland tapped a great spiritual hunger for the feminine face of God.

China Galland | Author, Public Speaker
Recent Work

"This is the riveting story of a remarkable effort to resurrect the dead, to uncover a long-neglected burial ground and give the anonymous folk interred there the voice denied them as slaves. Read on; I guarantee that once you start, you will not stop, and when you are done, you will have discovered the healing power of Love Cemetery."
"Galland captures the struggle to reclaim one small cemetery in Texas with such engrossing drama and personal detail that the story becomes something larger still--a universal struggle to reclaim the ground of Deep Compassion that lies untended in the human heart."
Sue Monk Kidd, author of
The Secret Life of Bees
for Love Cemetery
"In this nearly forgotten African-American cemetery called Love lie centuries of grief. May you weep, as did I, for what Galland discovers in these piney woods, and through this offering know your country and self in humbling new ways."
Paul Hawken, author of Blessed Unrest, How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being and Why No One Saw It Coming
"The common thread woven through this year's Detroit Free Press list of Top Ten Books for Spiritual Summer Reading is diversity... Galland's story about the discovery and restoration of an East Texas cemetery where slaves once were laid to rest winds up unearthing deeper attitudes about race and faith."
Detroit Free Press